The Secret to Happy Living – Hygge

How I Learned to Overcome Stress – Thanks to the Danes.

Have you ever heard the word “Hygge?”

In Danish, hygge (pronounced as ‘hoo-guh’) means “a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with moods of wellness and contentment.”

In Denmark, hygge is more than just a word; it’s a part of their culture.

“It is about enjoying life with friends and family, cherishing the moments. It is about grabbing hold of the moment and making them special. Not rushing through an activity to move on to the next, it is about taking your time and enjoying what is before you, not what is next to come” from the book, Keep Calm and Hygge: A Guide to the Danish Art of Simple & Cosy Living by Sofie Pedersen.

Lately, I have been hanging out with Danish friends, and I can tell you, “They know how to live.” We’ve had dinner parties on Yachts and delectable meals in an elegant, warm atmosphere.

Here are few things I’ve learned.

It’s important to create a hygge environment.

Hygge is the sensation you get when you’re cuddled up on the sofa under a soft, warm blanket with the fireplace glowing and candles flickering in each room.

 The hygge way of eating is all about indulging.

It’s sitting around the candlelit table having an easy conversation. Hygge is about giving yourself a break from the demand of healthy eating. It’s comfort food at its finest, sometimes heavy, such as a hearty stew. Fish dishes are popular, and they use only premium fish. Danes also love pickled herring; I don’t eat anything pickled and have yet to acquire a taste for it.

What to wear?

You know that pair of pants you live in at home but would never be caught dead wearing in public.  Those, or sweats with an oversized sweater and thick socks, anything knitted.

Hygge is about giving your responsible stressed-out self a break to live in the moment and enjoy your immediate environment.

Sometimes it is hard; I know that I am not alone when I say, “I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed.” I have had expectations and deadlines to fulfill, and there is never enough time in the day. Sometimes I need more hygge in my life and nurture important relationships.

Feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life, but dwelling on that feeling is not good.

Here are 8 hygge tips to try when your feeling overwhelmed.

1. Remove stressors

Hygge is supposed to improve your wee-being, so anything that makes you feel stressed is not allowed.

When you feel all is lost, don’t give up. You should at least try, or you will never know if there was anything you could have done about the situation.

2. Eat well.

There is no guilt in hygge, just a whole lot of homemade cake, coffee, and hot cocoa.

3.  A healthy work balance

The Danish get a minimum of five weeks of paid vacation every year. Long hours aren’t a thing in Denmark as here in the US.

4. Be Grateful.

Think of all you have. Don’t envy those that you feel have more than you. You have more than you know.

To practice gratitude, start a gratitude journal.

5. Don’t do too many things at once.

Take a break. Get comfy, watch a movie, read a book, take an hour or two away from your problem.

6. Ride your bike.

Denmark loves its bicycles. A few years ago, my daughter and I traveled through Copenhagen, which has 250 miles of bike lanes.

If you can’t ride a bike, go for a walk, a swim, or hike.

7.  Pray or meditate.

Turn off your phone. Be here and now. Breathe deeply. Whatever is your way to connect with your higher power, spend some time doing it.

8.  Spend quality time with family and friends.

Build relationships. Hang out with friends and people you like is a great way to get your hygge on and feel less stressed.

When you feel drained, overwhelmed, or stressed, create a hygge environment.

The main idea of hygge is that you feel present and spend quality time with yourself and your loved ones.

So dig out your ugly woolen socks and Get a Hygge with it!


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